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Care Plus® jest liderem na rynku bezpiecznego i zdrowego podróżowania od ponad 30 lat. Niezależnie od tego, czy przebywasz w Polsce, wybierasz się do Europy, czy podróżujesz w tropikalne miejsce, chętnie Ci pomożemy, służąc radą i wskazówkami oraz dostarczając nasze produkty.

Safe Travels, Great Stories.

What DOES help to repel mosquitoes?

With the arrival of warm weather, we open doors and windows. For many, the annual fight against mosquitoes starts there. Will it be a summer-long swat fest, or is there an easier way?

Protection against ticks

Usually, you won’t discover a tick until it has attached itself to your skin and gorged itself on blood. Check yourself after being in grass, shrubs or heathlands. Even better: protect yourself against ticks!

Identifying dehydration

Dehydration is when the body loses more fluids than it takes in. You may feel weak and can experience headache, dizziness and nausea. In addition, you stop urinating and you will be thirsty.

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Care Plus® Blog

Ponad 30 lat wiedzy, doświadczenia i inspiracji na temat bezpiecznych podróży i rekreacji na świeżym powietrzu.

How does DEET work?

How does DEET work?

DEET is the most widely used agent worldwide to keep insects such as mosquitoes and ticks at bay. Compared to other insect repellents, DEET has been studied the most in scientific (field) studies and has been proven to work effectively.

How do I choose the best mosquito net?

How do I choose the best mosquito net?

More and more people are travelling to faraway tropical destinations and are taking a mosquito net with them in their luggage. But a mosquito net is also ideal for use at home or during a holiday in your own country. Have a look at our selection guide and choose the mosquito net that suits your situation.

Tips for preventing and treating insect bites

Tips for preventing and treating insect bites

An itchy, red or painful insect bite is something you want to avoid. In this article we share tips to prevent insect bites. Have you been bitten or stung anyway? Then read about how best to treat the bite or sting.

How does DEET work?

How does DEET work?

DEET is the most widely used agent worldwide to keep insects such as mosquitoes and ticks at bay. Compared to other insect repellents, DEET has been studied the most in scientific (field) studies and has been proven to work effectively.

How do I choose the best mosquito net?

How do I choose the best mosquito net?

More and more people are travelling to faraway tropical destinations and are taking a mosquito net with them in their luggage. But a mosquito net is also ideal for use at home or during a holiday in your own country. Have a look at our selection guide and choose the mosquito net that suits your situation.

Tips for preventing and treating insect bites

Tips for preventing and treating insect bites

An itchy, red or painful insect bite is something you want to avoid. In this article we share tips to prevent insect bites. Have you been bitten or stung anyway? Then read about how best to treat the bite or sting.

buy one, give one for a malaria free world

Nasza wizja: Świat wolny od malarii w 2030 roku

Misją Travel Health Group jest świat wolny od malarii w 2030 roku. Jest to ambitny cel, który zobowiązujemy się osiągnąć wraz z naszymi partnerami. Malaria to ciężka choroba zakaźna choroba, która dotyka ponad 214 milionów ludzi rocznie i powoduje 405 000 zgonów. Większość ofiar śmiertelnych to dzieci poniżej 5 lat. Przekazujemy 1% naszego rocznego obrotu na projekty, których celem jest uwolnienie świata od malarii.

Przegląd prywatności

Ta strona korzysta z ciasteczek, aby zapewnić Ci najlepszą możliwą obsługę. Informacje o ciasteczkach są przechowywane w przeglądarce i wykonują funkcje takie jak rozpoznawanie Cię po powrocie na naszą stronę internetową i pomaganie naszemu zespołowi w zrozumieniu, które sekcje witryny są dla Ciebie najbardziej interesujące i przydatne.