Don’t let them bite you. Protect your family against ticks.
Ticks are an increasing problem. They occur more and more frequently and a tick bite can transmit various diseases. Ticks become active at 8 degrees Celcius, and with a mild winter like last year, they have no problem surviving.
The spring and summer holidays are great for being outdoors. Whether you’re going on holiday in your own country or abroad, ticks occur in most parts of Europe. The problem with ticks is that they’re so incredibly small that you can barely see them. A mature tick is between 1 to 3 mm in size. There is always a risk of infection because you’re not always aware that you have been bitten.
Protection against ticks reduces the risk of a bite
With good protection, you can reduce the risk of a tick bite. Clothing with long sleeves helps, but not everyone wants to wear long trousers and a long-sleeved shirt when the weather is nice. In any case, it is a good idea to apply an insect repellent to exposed skin – especially arms and legs. Adults can use Anti-Insect with DEET and children and people with sensitive skin can apply Anti-Insect Natural (without DEET).
We now know that we should protect ourselves against sunburn. We have all been sunburnt, so we know what it feels like and what the consequences may be. But using insect repellent is something many of us still have to get used to. Yet it is not a superfluous measure because you certainly wouldn’t want one of your children getting infected. Every year, in the Netherlands alone, 25,000 people contract Lyme disease after being infected with the Borrelia bacteria.
Check yourself and each other
Protection is good, but checking for ticks is just as important. Because ticks are so small and prefer the warmer spots on your body, they are sometimes difficult to see. Children like playing and running through tall grass and shrubs. Unfortunately, this is a tick’s favourite habitat.
The chance of an infection is smaller when you remove a tick quickly, so checking for ticks is important. When you find a tick, do not use tweezers, fire or alcohol. Remove it properly with tick pincers.
Not just ticks, but mosquitoes are also an increasing danger
In addition to protection against tick bites, you are also protected against mosquito bites. Mosquito bites can be very itchy, but there has also been an increase in the number of tiger mosquitoes in Europe and in the Netherlands in recent years. These tropical mosquitoes can transmit diseases such as dengue and yellow fever. Another reason to protect yourself and your family. Applying insect repellent is a small effort, we just have to make it a regular habit.
Anti-Insect Natural
Most of the time you don’t even notice a tick bite, but it can cause severe health problems, such as Lyme disease and FSME. Anti-Insect Natural is also suitable for children (older than 3 months) and does not contain DEET.
Impregnated Bugsox
Care Plus® impregnated bugsox are a must-have for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts. These hiking socks have been impregnated to prevent insect and tick bites and are available in three colours. Ideal for outdoor sports.
Anti-Insect DEET
Most of the time you don’t even notice a tick bite, but it can cause severe health problems, such as Lyme disease and FSME. A good reason to protect yourself and your family. Prevention is better than cure.