Good hand hygiene is of great importance for the prevention of the Coronavirus. How do you wash your hands thoroughly? In this article you will find some tips from the WHO.
Protect yourself and your environment!
- Clean your hands regularly.
- Wash your hands with soap and water and dry them carefully.
- You don’t have water and soap at hand? Use an cleansing handgel.
During this period, it is important to wash / clean your hands regularly. In case of visibly dirty hands, immediately wash your hands with soap and running water. But even when your hands are not visibly dirty, it is important to regularly wash your hands with soap and water or use a cleansing hand gel. If necessary, put up a reminder or set one on your phone. Prevention is key!
- Wet your hands with water.
- Apply enough soap to cover your hands.
- First rub your palms together.
- Rub the top of your left hand with your right palm (your hands are on top of each other) and rub well with your left-hand fingers (top) between the fingers of your right hand (bottom).
- Switch by placing your left palm on top of your right hand.
- Rub with your palms and fingers entwined.
- Make sure to wash all fingers individually afterwards.
- Rub your hands well with your fingertips.
- Rinse your hands with water.
- Dry your hands thoroughly with a paper towel.
And there you go: clean hands!

Source: World Health Organisation
Extra tips om jezelf te beschermen tegen het Coronavirus
Tip: net je handen gewassen? Pak een papiertje om ze te drogen en gebruik een ander schoon papiertje om de deur te openen en gooi het erna weg.
Vergeet daarnaast niet veel aangeraakte oppervlakken regelmatig te reinigen. Denk hierbij aan:
- Deurklinken
- Mobiele telefoon
- Toetsenbord en muis
- Afstandsbediening
Of gebruik bescherming bijvoorbeeld bij het pinnen of het tanken.
Daarnaast is nu het advies om geen handen meer te schudden. Er zijn tal van andere begroetingen mogelijk. Let wel op met ellenbogen! Het advies is juist om in je ellenboog te niezen/hoesten dus voorkom ook hiermee dat je in aanraking met anderen komt.
En nog een laatste tip: het virus kan je lichaam binnenkomen via je keel, neus en ogen. Dus niet neuspeuteren, niet nagels bijten, niet ogen wrijven, niet oorpeuteren etc. Kortom: niet met je handen je gezicht aanraken.
Lees ook hoe je de symptomen van het Corona-virus kunt herkennen en wat je moet doen als je vermoedt dat je bent besmet.

Pro Hygiene cleansing handgel
No water and soap available? No problem! With Pro Hygiene Gel in your bag, hand gel of Care Plus®, you will always be able to clean your hands. This small bottle of hand gel contains 30 ml and is very handy to have in your bag.

Bio Soap
Care Plus ® Clean Bio Soap is ideal for travellers who stay outdoors for a long period of time. The concentrated biodegradable soap is made of organic ingredients. The soap is multifunctional and suitable for washing hands, skin, hair, slightly dirty clothes and the dishes. This soap is suitable for use with fresh, brakish and salt water.

Microfibre towels
De Care Plus ® Travel Towel is lightweight, compact and easily fits in your bag. By using revolutionary microfibre, the travel towel is extra soft on one side, adding to the user comfort. The absorption capacity of the travel towel is seven times its own weight.