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The impact of COVID-19 on the fight against malaria

The impact of COVID-19 on the fight against malaria

COVID-19 has an impact on the goal to eradicate malaria and on the activities that the Bambino Life Foundation does. At the start of December 2020 a digital interview between Arnoud Aalbersberg (Care Plus®) and Ashaba Faridah (Bambino Life Foundation) about malaria took place.

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Insect repellent to protect against corona?

Insect repellent to protect against corona?

During the past days, some interesting news came out of the United Kingdom. In Great Britain, an insect repellent containing the active ingredient Citriodiol® is used by the military as added protection against the Coronavirus / Covid-19 virus. Huh? What? Very interesting news indeed.

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25 April is World Malaria Day

25 April is World Malaria Day

Did you know that malaria is still the largest ‘killer’ infectious disease in the world? With more than 405,000 deaths annually (unfortunately mainly children under 5 and unfortunately this number is on the increase again) and more than 200,000,000 infections per year.

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Coronavirus – Lavez-vous bien les mains !

Coronavirus – Lavez-vous bien les mains !

Il est indispensable, par les temps qui courent, de se laver/désinfecter les mains régulièrement. Il est également important de se laver les mains régulièrement avec de l’eau et du savon lorsqu’elles ne sont pas visiblement sales ou d’utiliser un gel désinfectant pour les mains.

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Corona virus symptoms and prevention

Corona virus symptoms and prevention

2019-nCoV, le nom officiel du Coronavirus, n’était pas susceptible d’infecter les humains, mais cela s’est avéré être faux. Et cette souche contient également un syndrome respiratoire avec un taux de mortalité de 2%.

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La saison des tiques commence tôt cette année

La saison des tiques commence tôt cette année

L’hiver clément provoque un chamboulement de la nature dans notre pays. Les tiques s’épanouissent parfaitement à ce doux climat et cela peut présager une année plus que jamais marquée par les tiques. Protégez-vous contre la tique et ne vous laissez pas mordre!

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Enjoy walking with these 5 useful tips

Enjoy walking with these 5 useful tips

Walking or hiking seems very simple. Unfortunately, without proper preparation you can get into unpleasant situations. Therefore, make sure you are well prepared before you start your hike or walk, whether it is a city walk or a walk in the countryside, a short intensive hike or a multi-day hike.

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Sleep under a mosquito net at home too

Sleep under a mosquito net at home too

You probably recognize it, that irritating buzzing around your head as soon as you try to sleep. Many people sleep under a mosquito net to keep insects at a distance when travelling far away, but a mosquito net is also ideal for use at home or during a holiday in your own country.

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A malaria-free world in 2030

A malaria-free world in 2030

In 2020, the news was largely dominated by the COVID-19 virus. However, still little attention is being paid to malaria. The mosquito is the deadliest animal on earth and therefore prevention against the malaria mosquito and against malaria is of great importance!

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The impact of COVID-19 on the fight against malaria

The impact of COVID-19 on the fight against malaria

COVID-19 has an impact on the goal to eradicate malaria and on the activities that the Bambino Life Foundation does. At the start of December 2020 a digital interview between Arnoud Aalbersberg (Care Plus®) and Ashaba Faridah (Bambino Life Foundation) about malaria took place.

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Insect repellent to protect against corona?

Insect repellent to protect against corona?

During the past days, some interesting news came out of the United Kingdom. In Great Britain, an insect repellent containing the active ingredient Citriodiol® is used by the military as added protection against the Coronavirus / Covid-19 virus. Huh? What? Very interesting news indeed.

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The impact of COVID-19 on the fight against malaria

25 April is World Malaria Day

Did you know that malaria is still the largest ‘killer’ infectious disease in the world? With more than 405,000 deaths annually (unfortunately mainly children under 5 and unfortunately this number is on the increase again) and more than 200,000,000 infections per year.

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