Corona-viruksen oireet ja ehkäisy
Viralliselta nimeltään 2019-nCoV, koronavirus ei aiemmin voinut tarttua ihmiseen, mutta asia on muuttunut. Tämä kanta aiheuttaa hengitystieinfektion oireita ja kuolleisuus tautiin on 2 % (joka on muuten paljon pienempi kuin SARSin ja MERSin kuolleisuudet olivat).
DEET deters mosquitoes in three ways
DEET has been the most effective insect repellent for decades. Recent research shows that contact with DEET is also experienced as unpleasant by mosquitoes.
Tick season started early this year
The mild winter days in our country have caused nature to be in a bit of a muddle. Ticks thrive in this mild weather, so this may herald a year with more ticks than ever before. Protect yourself against ticks and don’t let them bite you!
Awareness for World Malaria Day 25 April
Thursday 25 April is World Malaria Day. On this day we want to raise awareness of this deadly disease that affects more than 214 million people, of which more than 430,000 die annually. Many of the victims are younger than five years.

A malaria-free world in 2030
In 2020, the news was largely dominated by the COVID-19 virus. However, still little attention is being paid to malaria, while mortality rates are rising substantially. The mosquito is the deadliest animal on earth and therefore prevention against the malaria mosquito and against malaria is of great importance!

The impact of COVID-19 on the fight against malaria
COVID-19 has an impact on the goal to eradicate malaria and on the activities that the Bambino Life Foundation does. At the start of December 2020 a digital interview between Arnoud Aalbersberg (Care Plus®) and Ashaba Faridah (Bambino Life Foundation) about malaria took place.

Insect repellent to protect against corona?
During the past days, some interesting news came out of the United Kingdom. In Great Britain, an insect repellent containing the active ingredient Citriodiol® is used by the military as added protection against the Coronavirus / Covid-19 virus. Huh? What? Very interesting news indeed.

Corona-viruksen oireet ja ehkäisy
Viralliselta nimeltään 2019-nCoV, koronavirus ei aiemmin voinut tarttua ihmiseen, mutta asia on muuttunut. Tämä kanta aiheuttaa hengitystieinfektion oireita ja kuolleisuus tautiin on 2 % (joka on muuten paljon pienempi kuin SARSin ja MERSin kuolleisuudet olivat).

DEET deters mosquitoes in three ways
DEET has been the most effective insect repellent for decades. Recent research shows that contact with DEET is also experienced as unpleasant by mosquitoes.

Tick season started early this year
The mild winter days in our country have caused nature to be in a bit of a muddle. Ticks thrive in this mild weather, so this may herald a year with more ticks than ever before. Protect yourself against ticks and don’t let them bite you!