After Sun

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Care Plus® Care & Repair After Sun. Soothes and nourishes the skin

You can’t see how powerful the Sun is. But you can feel it. For example if you forgot to apply sunscreen on a sunny day. Or if you missed a spot. You often notice that your skin is burned when it’s already too late. It then becomes red and painful.

Fortunately, there is Care & Repair After Sun from Care Plus®. It soothes, nourishes and repairs the skin. But even if you are not burned, it is still wise to use Care & Repair After Sun. This way, your skin is well cared for and you can enjoy the sunny days to the fullest.

Combats painful and red skin after sunburn

Care & Repair After Sun is full of natural, moisturising and soothing ingredients such as Aloe Vera, Chamomile, Soybean oil and Shea butter. Care Plus® Care & Repair can be applied easily and smoothly to your burned skin. It also helps to reduce the redness of your skin.

Care Plus Aftersun

Care Plus® Care & Repair After Sun

  • Full of natural and soothing ingredients.
  • Gentle on your skin. Easy to apply.
  • Helps reduce redness.
  • Contains perfume without allergens.
  • Tube – 100 ml
  • Paraben-free
  • Vegan
  • Tube is made of bioplastic (recycled)