Join us in the fight against malaria
Malaria still remains one of the deadliest diseases in the world, affecting more than 249 million people and causing approximately 608,000* deaths each year, predominantly among children under the age of 5. This infectious disease not only claims lives but also hinders children from attending school, prevents families from investing in their future, and stunts the development of communities. Malaria has a significant impact on human lives, livelihoods, and the progress of countries.
However, malaria is a disease that can be prevented and ultimately eliminated. The principle is simple: if you avoid getting bitten, you won’t contract malaria. In this regard, insecticide-treated mosquito nets continue to play a crucial role. Distributing nets in remote areas and providing education and information are vital in the fight against malaria.
*Bron: World Health Organisation
Our vision: a malaria-free world
At Care Plus® , we champion ‘safe travels, great stories’. With decades of expertise in Travel Health, we provide valuable knowledge, information, education, and product solutions to everyone in need. Our products are not only beneficial for travellers but also for outdoor activities and everyday use.
However, our societal commitment extends beyond this. We are actively working towards a malaria-free world by 2030— an ambitious goal that motivates our team and partners. Malaria can be prevented and we are committed to achieving this! Will you support us?
Learn more about our efforts to combat malaria at
Our contribution in 2023 to a malaria-free world
Our mosquito nets, a powerful weapon in the fight against malaria, are sourced and printed locally in Kampala, Uganda. Through various partners, the nets are distributed and personally handed out to those who need them most. Collaboration with local partners and our partnerships are crucial for achieving our goals. Thanks to these partnerships, we were able to distribute as many as 11,000 nets in 2023. This is a growth of over 225% compared to 2022 when we distributed 5,040 nets.

Uganda is one of the 10 countries where malaria remains a significant problem. Therefore, Care Plus® has initiated local initiatives to protect the population against malaria.
To encourage local involvement in the proper storage and use of nets, we have printed the nets with a popular design. This is based on research by scientist and mosquito and malaria expert Bart Knols.
This approach helps combat malaria in Uganda, where children and young women in rural areas are most affected. With our team, we continue to support the fight against malaria with products, information, and education.
Country: Uganda
Capital: Kampala
Inhabitants: 47,249,585 (2022)
Area: 241.550 km²
Printed nets by Twiga Ventures
Twiga Ventures, a social enterprise, prints attractive designs on mosquito nets in Uganda with the aim of contributing to the eradication of Malaria in Uganda. Although millions of nets are distributed annually in Uganda, research shows that many aren’t used because they remind people of the danger of mosquitoes. On average, they are used for sleeping under for only 6 to 9 months. After that, they are used as fishing nets, chicken coops, crop covers, or even as wedding dresses or for other creative purposes.
By printing attractive designs on the nets, people are more inclined to use the nets correctly. The beautiful decoration removes the association with the danger of mosquitoes. People will take better care of the net and use it longer as a mosquito net, which, of course, is its intended use. Initial research showed a significant increase in properly used nets.

Distribution via UCFA
In collaboration with the Uganda Coffee Farmers Alliance, we are able to distribute nets to local communities. On the trucks where the coffee beans are loaded by local coffee farmers, the UCFA brings printed nets to distribute to the coffee farmers. This way, optimal use is made of local networks in Uganda. During meetings, the farmers are educated about malaria, malaria prevention, and the importance of sleeping under a mosquito net.

Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
One method we use at Care Plus® is printing the mosquito nets we distribute in Uganda. Experience has shown that the nets with attractive prints are used for the intended purpose, rather than being used as fishing nets, kitchen tools, or other purposes. To reinforce this approach, in 2022, we launched a scientific study in collaboration with Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen with the aim of demonstrating the effectiveness of the printed net versus the plain nets. The study aims to validate the impact of attractive designs in promoting net usage, potentially enhancing malaria eradication efforts.

Help us in the fight against malaria
If you want to join our fight against malaria or if you have suggestions or ideas, we would love to hear from you! Please reach out to us via the contact form.