Apps, bracelets and plugs: products that won’t protect you against mosquitoes
The mosquito season is in full swing again. It is high time to get the mosquito repellent to prevent a nasty bite. But which products really help against a bite and which are sheer nonsense and should we avoid spending money on?
Every year, new products come on the market. The manufacturers claim they protect against mosquitoes: apps and plugs that emit a high beeping sound and citronella scented bracelets to keep mosquitoes at bay. An enormous amount of money is spent every year on each and every product. And this year, again, an enormous amount of money will go down the drain, because you will still get bitten.
The shelves are stocked with them: products based on citronella that claim to protect against mosquitoes’ bites. You have probably seen a citronella candle for on the table, in the garden, or on the patio. Unfortunately, these candles do not prevent you from getting bitten. Mosquitoes approach the heat, carbon dioxide and humidity emitted by a burning candle. Three things mosquitoes love! And the smell of citronella? Mosquitoes quickly get used to it.
Not only the candles are popular. Nowadays, the stores are full of bracelets that are meant to keep mosquitoes at bay. These coloured bracelets also contain citronella, and are intended to protect you against mosquitoes for a few hours. A study by the New England Journal of Medicine has shown that citronella-based products, including bracelets, keep mosquitoes at bay for a maximum period of 20 minutes. In addition, only the part where the scent of citronella is located is protected for a short time. The rest of your body is free of citronella and therefore a great place for the mosquito to land. These bracelets will unfortunately not give you the right protection against mosquitoes and are therefore a waste of money.
Ultrasonic sound
Creators of apps, devices and plugs that emit an ultrasonic sound that should keep mosquitoes away are also misleading the consumer. Unfortunately, these remedies also don’t help prevent mosquito bites.
According to the makers, the high frequency of the noise would be so annoying to mosquitoes that they stay away. However, research has shown that the high frequency does not keep mosquitoes at a distance and is therefore nonsense. Ultrasonic sound, on the other hand, can have an effect on small mammals, such as rodents, bats and moles, but not on insects. Watch the video below about how mosquito expert Bart Knols is testing such an app with ultrasonic sound.
Millions of euros are spent every year on mosquito-repellent products that do not work. At the moment we do not have to worry about mosquitoes in England transmitting fatal infectious diseases, but in countries where this is the case, selling these drugs is not only a rip-off, but is also life-threatening.
In many southern European countries, you can contract the West Nile virus through a bite from an infected mosquito. So, make sure you are properly protected against mosquitoes at all times to minimise the risk of an infectious disease.

Anti-Insect Natural
Made with natural lemon eucalyptus extracts and does not contain DEET. Natural can be used for children from 3 months and protects up to 6 hours against mosquitoes and ticks.

Mosquito nets
A mosquito net keeps mosquitoes, insects and other pests at a distance, so you can enjoy a good night’s sleep. Both at home and away!

Anti-Insect DEET
The active ingredient DEET is the most effective remedy for protection against (tropical) mosquitoes and ticks. Apply to exposed skin. The percentage is decisive for the duration of action.