On World Malaria Day Arnoud Aalbersberg, Chief Mosquito Officer of Travel Health Group presented the Malaria Impact Reportat the Floriade. Malaria is a preventable infectious disease and since 2000 the number of infections and deaths were in decline. The WHO Malaria Report 2021, with an update on 2020, shows a very different and worrisome picture: for the first time since 2000 the number of infections and deaths related to Malaria increased dramatically. This was caused merely by service disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Travel Health Group, celebrating it’s 30th anniversary, actively contributes to a Malaria free world in 2030. With only eight more years to go, this vision and commitment becomes more urgent. In addition to the presentation of Arnoud the audience enjoyed two interesting speakers. Ronald Hulsebosch, Travel Doctor, with a presentation on his experience on preparations for traveling and mountaineering. And Willem van Prooijen, Meduprof. He presented the history of Malaria, the annual impact and the necessity of the distribution of mosquito nets.