What is malaria?
Malaria is a severe infectious disease, caused by the sting of an infected mosquito. There are four forms of malaria. The most dangerous form is malaria tropica and without treatment, it can be fatal within a few weeks. Here are a few malaria facts:
• Every 60 seconds a child dies of malaria.
• 430.000 malaria deaths every year.
• Occurs in (sub) tropical regions, mainly in African countries.
• In a few regions, the malaria mosquito has become resistant to malaria remedies/medication.
• Occurs in 109 countries.
• No vaccine available, preventative medication is available.
Well-protected when travelling
Are you travelling to a country where malaria occurs? Make sure you are protected! The risk of contracting malaria can be reduced by taking malaria pills. Also, wearing clothes that cover the skin and using mosquito nets and Anti-Insect are good ways to reduce the risk of infection.
There is currently no effective vaccine available for malaria. You can get preventive pills on prescription from your doctor when you are travelling to a malaria region. There are currently three different types of pills available, each with their own active ingredient. However, the pills are a mere preventive measure and there is still a chance you may contract malaria. Thanks to the medication, it will take longer before harmful complications occur, giving you more time to start treatment.
The type of pills your GP will prescribe depends on:
- What malaria region you are travelling to.
- The duration of your stay.
- Your health condition.
- Any other medication you are using.
Do you want more information or make an appointment? We refer you to the NPHI.
Extensive study with first vaccine
Research and developments in a malaria vaccine are ongoing. Last Tuesday, some doctors started an extensive study in Malawi in which children must be protected from the deadly mosquito. 120,000 children aged 2 and below were vaccinated with this new vaccine. The study will continue until 2023 and comparable campaigns will be launched in the coming weeks in Ghana and Kenia.
(source: nu.nl)
Malaria-free world by 2030
At Care Plus® we think it’s important to give travellers peace of mind with our products. Our social responsibility does extend beyond that. We are committed to a malaria-free world by 2030. Since 1992, our organization has been committed to the concept of travel and health.
We donate 1% of our annual turnover to projects that focus on ridding the world of malaria. By buying a Care Plus® product, you really do contribute to a malaria-free world!
Care Plus® supports groundbreaking scientific research of the Wageningen University Laboratory, which is aimed at finding a solution to keep the (malaria) mosquito away from humans. A study group led by Professor Takken developed attractants for mosquitoes. These attractants are used to lure mosquito populations away from African villages in order to catch them, so the risk of being bitten by a malaria mosquito is reduced to the point where malaria practically disappears.
In order to provide a solution for people travelling to malaria regions, we are interested in gaining experience in using portable mosquito traps. A beautiful innovative idea and a step closer to a malaria-free world by 2030!
How you can help?
You too can contribute to a malaria-free world in various ways! How? Very simple:
• We donate 1% of our annual turnover to projects with the aim to rid the world of malaria. By buying a Care Plus® product, you are contributing to a malaria-free world!
• Drive Against Malaria is entirely dependent on voluntary contributions. All donations are extremely important in order to make the missions possible. Support Drive Against Malaria and make a voluntary donation.
If you make a one-time or periodic donation as an approved ANBI organisation, this is deductible. This usually means that the tax authorities will ‘refund’ 42% or even 52% of the donation. The tax authorities have given our organisation an ‘ANBI’ status.
• We must say these words out loud: “Malaria Must Die”. By saying these three words, you are contributing to a malaria-free world. A large international campaign was launched, in collaboration with David Beckham, where your voice literally counts in the fight against malaria. Watch the video below and let your voice be heard www.malariamustdie.com.

Anti-Insect Natural
Made with natural lemon eucalyptus extracts and does not contain DEET. Natural can be used for children from 3 months and protects up to 6 hours against mosquitoes and ticks.

Mosquito Net
A mosquito net keeps mosquitoes, insects and other pests at a distance, so you can enjoy a good night’s sleep. Both at home and away!

Anti-Insect DEET
The active ingredient DEET is the most effective remedy for protection against (tropical) mosquitoes and ticks. Apply to exposed skin. The percentage is decisive for the duration of action.