World Malaria Day
25 April is World Malaria Day. This day was created by the World Health Organization to commemorate the enormous impact caused by the bite of a mosquito infected with malaria parasites. Read more about our fight against malaria in our new Malaria Impact Report 2022.
World Mosquito Day: the danger of a mosquito bite
World Mosquito Day is recognized every year on August 20th, marking the anniversary of the discovery that mosquitoes transmit the parasite that can cause malaria.
Presentation MIR on World Malaria Day
On World Malaria Day Arnoud Aalbersberg, Chief Mosquito Officer of Travel Health Group presented the Malaria Impact Report at the Floriade. In addition to the presentation of Arnoud the audience enjoyed two interesting speakers: Ronald Hulsebosch, Travel Doctor and Willem van Prooijen, Meduprof.
Chief Mosquito 🦟 Officer Arnoud Aalbersberg flies away after 30 years
On April 25, 2022, Arnoud Aalbersberg will present the Malaria Impact Report and then leave Travel Health Group.
Hurray, Care Plus celebrates its 30th anniversary!
This year, Care Plus® is celebrating its 30th anniversary. A good time to reflect on the challenges, lessons learnt and successes of our brand and our umbrella company Travel Health Group.
How does DEET work?
DEET is the most widely used agent worldwide to keep insects such as mosquitoes and ticks at bay. Compared to other insect repellents, DEET has been studied the most in scientific (field) studies and has been proven to work effectively.
How do I choose the best mosquito net?
More and more people are travelling to faraway tropical destinations and are taking a mosquito net with them in their luggage. But a mosquito net is also ideal for use at home or during a holiday in your own country. Have a look at our selection guide and choose the mosquito net that suits your situation.
Tips for preventing and treating insect bites
An itchy, red or painful insect bite is something you want to avoid. In this article we share tips to prevent insect bites. Have you been bitten or stung anyway? Then read about how best to treat the bite or sting.
3 types of mosquitoes you’ll want to recognise
As many as 3,000 different species of mosquitoes live on our globe. Mosquitoes are annoying and can keep you awake at night while you try to sleep. Apart from their annoying buzzing, mosquitoes can also transmit infectious diseases to humans and animals.

World Malaria Day
25 April is World Malaria Day. This day was created by the World Health Organization to commemorate the enormous impact caused by the bite of a mosquito infected with malaria parasites. Read more about our fight against malaria in our new Malaria Impact Report 2022.

World Mosquito Day: the danger of a mosquito bite
World Mosquito Day is recognized every year on August 20th, marking the anniversary of the discovery that mosquitoes transmit the parasite that can cause malaria.

Presentation MIR on World Malaria Day
On World Malaria Day Arnoud Aalbersberg, Chief Mosquito Officer of Travel Health Group presented the Malaria Impact Report at the Floriade. In addition to the presentation of Arnoud the audience enjoyed two interesting speakers: Ronald Hulsebosch, Travel Doctor and Willem van Prooijen, Meduprof.

Chief Mosquito 🦟 Officer Arnoud Aalbersberg flies away after 30 years
On April 25, 2022, Arnoud Aalbersberg will present the Malaria Impact Report and then leave Travel Health Group.

Hurray, Care Plus celebrates its 30th anniversary!
This year, Care Plus® is celebrating its 30th anniversary. A good time to reflect on the challenges, lessons learnt and successes of our brand and our umbrella company Travel Health Group.

How does DEET work?
DEET is the most widely used agent worldwide to keep insects such as mosquitoes and ticks at bay. Compared to other insect repellents, DEET has been studied the most in scientific (field) studies and has been proven to work effectively.