Sleep under a mosquito net at home too

Sleep under a mosquito net at home too

You probably recognize it, that irritating buzzing around your head as soon as you try to sleep. The next morning you wake up with itchy red bumps on your body. Many people sleep under a mosquito net to keep insects at a distance when travelling far away, but a mosquito net is also ideal for use at home or during a holiday in your own country. A mosquito net keeps mosquitoes and other insects at bay so you can enjoy an undisturbed night’s sleep.

Mosquitoes infected with the West Nile virus

When it comes to the health of yourself and your family, you don’t take half measures. Mosquitoes can be a nuisance, like the buzzing around your head when you’re trying to sleep. A mosquito bite can also have bigger consequences, as mosquitoes are the transmitters of various diseases. In Europe, the risk of contracting a disease after being bitten by an infected mosquito is limited, but not entirely without risk. For example, the number of infections and (fatal) casualties because of the West Nile virus has increased sharply in the past year. It is expected that the real number of infections is higher, because about 80% of the infected people do not get any complaints. Not everyone is lucky. Some cases are so severe that these people must be admitted to the intensive care unit or, in extreme cases, die.

A non-impregnated mosquito net for use close to home

The house mosquito is responsible for transmitting the West Nile virus, among other things. This mosquito bites mainly between sunset and sunrise. You can prevent the risk of mosquito nuisance by sleeping under a mosquito net. For use at home or within Europe (e.g., camping) you can use a non-impregnated mosquito net*. Are you travelling to a malaria risk area? Then mosquito bites are much more dangerous. We advise you to take an impregnated mosquito net* in your suitcase or backpack to keep mosquitoes at bay.

Care Plus mosquito nets

How do you use a mosquito net?

A mosquito net doesn’t only protect you against mosquitoes, but also repels other insects while you’re sleeping. Make sure that the mosquito net is not too small, because if you sleep against the net, it doesn’t offer optimal protection. It’s also important that the net is closed on all sides. Only then the mosquito net offers extra protection against stinging and biting insects.

With the right care and mounting, a mosquito net will last for years after purchase. This way you can sleep comfortably and undisturbed for years to come. And you must admit, a mosquito net around the bed is quite romantic, isn’t it?

Tick season has started!

Tick season has started!

It’s Tick Bite Prevention Week. Out and about in nature or working in the garden? Then watch out for ticks! As temperatures rise, so does the risk of tick bites. Ticks are most active between March and October, when temperatures are above 8Cº.

TTicks are very small, black, spider-like parasites that attach themselves to people in order to suck blood and stay alive. Without blood from a human or animal host, they cannot survive. This attachment is called a tick bite.
A tick bite can be dangerous because, among other things, they can transmit Lyme disease and the TBE virus (tick-borne encephalitis), which can lead to inflammation of the brain (membrane).

what are ticks?

Do ticks fall from trees?

The little black creatures live in natural settings such as lawns, meadows, heaths, parks, gardens and wooded areas. Despite persistent myths, ticks cannot fly, jump or fall from trees. The danger comes from below. Keep this in mind in the measures you take against tick bites.

Tips to prevent a tick bite

A tick bite cannot be prevented, but there are a number of tips to reduce the chance.

  • Stay on the paths as much as possible and avoid bushes and high grass.
  • Wear light-coloured clothing with long sleeves and legs.
  • Tuck your trouser into (tick-resistant) socks.
  • SLubricate uncovered skin with a tick repellent.

Tick control

Ticks live in nature. Always check yourself and each other after picnicking, walking, running, playing outside, camping, gardening or any other spending time in nature and do it the same day. Check your whole body, but pay particular attention to warm spots such as the hairline, armpits, knee hollows, buttocks and groin.

You have discovered a tick. Now what?

Despite good precautions, it can happen that you discover a tick on your body. If so, remove the tick properly. If you discover a tick bite, it is very important to remove the tick quickly, correctly and safely. Make sure that you always have a Care Plus® tick pen or tick pincers with you, so that you can remove the tick correctly within 8 hours. When removed incorrectly, the tick can empty its stomach content, including harmful bacteria and viruses that can cause Lyme disease and TBE, among other things. For the same reason, never use fire, soap, nails or alcohol to remove the tick. Write down the date when you were bitten, where you were bitten and when you removed the tick. After that, keep an eye on the place where the tick has bitten you for three months: discoloration of the skin or other symptoms related to Lyme disease can occur after a few weeks or months. Do you feel unwell or does a red circle appear around the place of the bite? Then contact your doctor.

How to prevent or treat a blister?

How to prevent or treat a blister?

Walking is a healthy form of exercise. It improves your fitness and causes few injuries. Nevertheless, even the most experienced walker cannot prevent blisters. That is why blisters are the number one foot problem among walkers.

How do blisters originate?

A blister is caused by friction or pressure and is a natural reaction of your skin to protect the underlying tissue. The protection comes from a build-up of fluid under the epidermis in the form of a fluid-filled blister.

How to prevent or treat a blister?

6 tips for blister prevention

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely avoid a blister. However, there are a number of tips that can reduce the risk of developing a blister.

  1. Make sure you have properly fitting shoes. Blisters are mainly caused by friction. Therefore, avoid shoes that are too wide. At the same time, some space for your toes is important, because shoes that are too tight also cause blisters. When trying on new hiking boots, remember that your feet swell a little when you walk. Also make sure that your socks fit, as poorly fitting socks or socks with seams can also cause blisters.
  2. Walk on your shoes before you start a long hike. Never walk very long distances with new shoes without walking on them before. Just like walking distances, build them up gradually. This does not automatically mean that you will not develop blisters, but it does reduce the risk.
  3. Use Care Plus® Anti Blister Spray every day, starting 3 weeks before a long walk. . By spraying your feet daily with this camphor-based foot spray, the skin becomes harder and the risk of blisters is reduced.
  4. Make sure your feet and socks are as dry as possible. Moisture and sweaty feet promote the development of blisters. Before and during the walk, dust your feet with foot powder. De Care Plus® Foot Powder absorbs moisture, dries the feet and helps prevent blisters.
  5. Preventively cover sensitive spots with blister plasters or tape. If your toes constantly rub against each other, you can opt for so-called toe spreaders.
  6. Take good care of your feet. Regularly remove any excess calluses and keep your nails short. Preferably wash your feet with cold water and no soap.

A blister, now what?

Generally, it is better to leave a closed blister closed and not puncture it. The accumulation of fluid protects the underlying tissue and the closed blister is also an excellent protection against infection. When the blister is punctured, dirt can get into the wound and cause it to inflame. It is better to cover the closed blister with a blister plaster. The Care Plus® blister plasters, available in 3 sizes, reduce pain and relieve pressure. Use a blister plaster on clean, grease-free and dry skin.

Necessary puncture of the blister

However, sometimes it is unavoidable to puncture a blister, for example if you still have a long distance to walk. After all, it is difficult to continue walking with a painful blister. When puncturing a blister, ensure that you work hygienically so that no dirt gets into the wound. Wash your hands well and disinfect the skin around the blister. Punch the blister with a sterile needle, as close to the skin as possible, i.e. at the side of the blister. Push out any excess fluid and disinfect the skin again. Then cover the area with a blister plaster to absorb the wound fluid and minimize the risk of infection from dirt in the wound.

Is the blister already open?

You cannot always prevent the blister from opening by itself while walking, for example due to friction. In this case, disinfect the wound and then cover the area with a blister plaster so that the wound fluid is absorbed.

New Malaria Mosquito on the block (in Africa)

New Malaria Mosquito on the block (in Africa)

As if our big goal to eradicate malaria in 2030 was not ambitious enough, we all need to step up our game as a new ‘imported’ mosquito has emerged in the Horn of Africa. Why that is a thing, we will explain below.

Malaria is still one of the deadliest diseases in the world, with more than 228 million victims per year, mostly children under the age of 5. Malaria remains the number one worldwide killer among vector-borne diseases, claiming more than 400,000 human lives in 2019 and rising unfortunately in 2020.

In the top 10 of deadliest animals the number 1 by far is therefore the mosquito as the transmitter of malaria. Even all other deadly animals combined cannot compete with the mosquito.

The behaviour of the ‘traditional’ malaria mosquito (Anopheles gambiae) is that this type of mosquito is active between dusk and dawn. The habitat is predominantly in rural areas. These rural areas are not densely populated.

Now, the Asian malaria vector mosquito Anopheles stephensi has set foot on African soil in the Horn of Africa, imported quite recently from Asia. The path seems to go from Sri Lanka, via the Arabian Peninsula in to Africa.

For those who don’t have an immediate visual where the Horn of Africa is, it is the Eastern part. More specifically Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti & Somalia.

With the presence of the Anopheles stephensi mosquito we have an extra challenge in control and protection programs as this species’ habitat is in urban areas (!), putting potentially 126 million urban Africans at immediate risk.

Interesting fact why this species ended up in urban areas is that the female mosquito tends to lay eggs in clear water puddles. Those are widely available in urban areas.

*Sources: BMC and PNAS

Infographic mosquitoes

Buy One, Give one

At Care Plus® we actively contribute to a malaria-free world in 2030. This is a very ambitious goal that drives our team and our partners. Malaria can be prevented and we are committed to that! Will you support us?

Read more about our fight against malaria and our Buy One, Give One programme at

A malaria-free world in 2030

A malaria-free world in 2030

In 2020, the news was largely dominated by the COVID-19 virus. However, still little attention is being paid to malaria, while mortality rates are rising substantially. The mosquito is the deadliest animal on earth and therefore prevention against the malaria mosquito and against malaria is of great importance!

Increase in the number of deadly malaria victims

Malaria causes more than 228 million victims every year, including an increasing number of fatalities. While the mortality rate had dropped to around 405,000 in recent years, the corona virus has caused this figure to rise to a potential million*. These are mainly children under the age of 5.

* Source: World Health Organization

The influence of COVID-19 on (the fight against) malaria

The COVID-19 virus also has an effect on malaria and its prevention. People live more indoors, also in areas with a high malaria risk such as Africa. The malaria mosquito, which is active between sunset and sunrise, prefers dark spaces and now encounters more potential victims indoors.

Furthermore, the fight against malaria is affected by corona. Due to the strict measures, group gatherings are prohibited. This means that outreaches in which mosquito nets are distributed and information about malaria prevention is shared are hardly possible or not possible at all.
At the beginning of December 2020, Chief Mosquito Officer Arnoud Aalbersberg of Care Plus® discussed the effects of corona on malaria in Uganda with Ashaba Faridah of Bambino Life Foundation.

Care Plus® Buy One Give One program

Care Plus® aims for a malaria-free world. In specific terms, we do this with our Buy One, Give One campaign, in which 1% of our turnover goes to this higher goal of making the world malaria-free by 2030. Care Plus® is a company that highly depends on travelers. Borders were closed worldwide and planes remained on the ground. People were forced to stay home and postpone their holiday plans. Partly because of this, turnover was lower last year. This meant that there was also less to spend within the Buy One, Give One program.

Malaria-free world

More than 13,000 people are protected against malaria

Despite the limited possibilities for outreaches, we succeeded in handing out 3,300 printed mosquito nets in 2020. This means that more than 13,000 people are protected against malaria.

Collaboration with partners in the fight against malaria

Care Plus® has achieved this great result together with itspartners. We work together with Bambino Life Foundation, the Coffee Quest and Twiga Ventures. Last year, collaborations with Rotary Stop Malaria Club Midden Betuwe-Valburg and Drive Against Malaria were also added to this list.

The fight continues

Of course, Care Plus® and its partners will continue fighting for a malaria-free world in 2021. We not only do this on World Malaria Day on April 25, but all year round!Read all about our fight.

The impact of COVID-19 on the fight against malaria

The impact of COVID-19 on the fight against malaria

At the start of December 2020, a digital interview between Arnoud Aalbersberg (Care Plus®) and Ashaba Faridah (Bambino Life Foundation) took place to discuss the effects of COVID-19 on malaria in Uganda.

Bambino Life Foundation

Ashaba Faridah is a Ugandan pilot who wants to make a difference in her community, so she founded Bambino Life Foundation. The Bambino Life Foundation promotes girl child education and empowerment and children welfare. The common goal of both the Bambino Life Foundation and Care Plus® is to protect people from malaria by education on malaria and malaria prevention. Bambino Life Foundation educates children on malaria and reaches out printed mosquito nets in rural areas provided by Care Plus®. COVID-19 has an impact on the goal to eradicate malaria and on the activities that the Bambino Life Foundation does.

strijd tegen malaria met het buy one give one programma van Care Plus

COVID-19 in Uganda

Uganda got ahead of COVID-19 before there were any cases. The president put the country under lockdown and closed the borders which resulted in a number of COVID-19 deaths below 40 in Uganda, but the strict lockdown measures affected the outreaches as well.

Double effect of COVID-19 on malaria; no outreaches and increased risk of malaria

Normally large groups of 500-600 girls gather together for an outreach, but the Ugandan government put a stop on large groups. Bambino Life Foundation was able to do only one small outreach since the start of the pandemic. To make outreaches possible again in the rural areas of Uganda, hand sanitizers and reusable face masks are needed.

Moreover, the risk of malaria increased as people stay inside their houses and mosquitoes prefer dark places like in houses. So, there’s a double negative COVID-19 effect on malaria.

Recent WHO insights on malaria

In the last 15 years malaria infections and deaths decreased by 50% to around 420.000, but the World Health Organization* (WHO) reported that the numbers are increasing again and are close to potentially 1 million malaria deaths again, so we’re basically back at the start.

* Source: World Health Organization

Malaria is deadlier than the COVID-19 pandemic

Malaria is a deathlier pandemic than COVID-19. Every minute, someone dies from malaria. Most people, especially in rural areas, cannot afford proper medical help once they have malaria. Although malaria makes more victims than COVID-19, the latter gets way more attention than malaria. Probably because malaria currently is not a global problem whereas COVID-19 is.

Uganda’s fight against malaria

The Ugandan government is doing its best in the continuous fight against malaria. In the past, they have distributed mosquito nets as well, but those mosquito nets are no longer up in the houses because of the low quality of the nets. Often, they are used as fishing nets.
The government can’t do the fight on its own, initiatives like the cooperation between Care Plus® and Bambino Life Foundation help in the fight. Especially since the provided nets are printed which make them super wanted by the local communities for their decoration.

Buy One, Give One program

Every buyer of Care Plus® product helps in the fight against malaria. The Buy One, Give One program makes sure that 1 percent of the turnover is used to make the world malaria free by 2030, for example by sponsoring printed nets to the Bambino Life Foundation in Uganda.

World Mosquito Day (Podcast)

World Mosquito Day (Podcast)

Today, 20th of August 2020, it is World Mosquito Day. A special day for Care Plus® and in ‘honor’ of this day we launch our fourth podcast. It is a very lively and inspiring podcast hosted by Arnoud Aalbersberg and with our guest Bart Knols (vector biologist). He has over 30 years of experience and doing specifically research on mosquitos, Malaria and Dengue. Therefore he is our go to person to talk about the latest status and his experience in the field. It is a refreshing interview about the deadliest animal of the world.

The podcast starts with Malaria and later on more local issues related to mosquitos are discussed.

Also available via Apple Podcasts

How to bring Malaria to zero cases?

With over 120 years of research, still one of the key questions remains how to dismiss Malaria.

It is a fact that a bednet (mosquito net) is still the primary tool in controlling Malaria around the world. Such an easy item that enables to protect and save so many lives of (young) kids and adults. In order to keep the bednet as an important prevention tool, two steps have to be taken:

  1. Make sure people have access to the impregnated nets and replace the impregnated nets after they have been used for 3 years
  2. Make sure people are using the net correctly without using the net for other purposes

Covid-19 and Malaria

In the interview the link between Malaria and Covid-19 arises a couple of times. For example, in case of a drop in Malaria cases and less immediate visibility of the consequences of the disease, people start acting less out of precautions and prevention. Comparable behavior can be currently seen with Covid-19. With decreased risk, attention to this serious issue is lost as well, risking a revival that could have been prevented with a continuous attention and prevention.

Moreover, reflections on the “it is not in my backyard” proposition are addressed, discussing questions on what we can do in Europe and how to join efforts to help African countries with still many (child) deaths due to Malaria.
Will for instance a vaccine help to eradicate Malaria?

The rise of the Tiger Mosquito in Europe and the Netherlands

More locally other developments are coming up around mosquitos. Last year the Tiger mosquito was found in the Netherlands. Bart and Arnoud discuss 3 pathways how these mosquitos end up inour backyard.

  1. Via transportation of used tires from airplanes, trucks etc that are refurbished and re-used in Europe.
  2. Via import of smaller plants, like Lucky bamboo plants.
  3. Via people carrying mosquitos accidentally in their caravan, camper of car after their holiday in Southern Europe.

The Tiger Mosquito is extremely powerful in transmitting diseases. In France, the Tiger Mosquito is already a serious issue and as soon as there is an established population of these mosquitoes it is only a matter of time before we will also have local issues with transmittable diseases, like Zika-Virus, Dengue or West-Nile virus. Risk is that there are no vaccins or medicines available for these diseases yet.

Prevention Products

Bart and Arnoud talk about the things we could do to prevent us from getting bitten. For example, think of avoiding water puddles around the house. It sounds so simple, but keep in mind it is not only a big can of water but also small trash, like a beer bottle or plastic around the house that can contain water. It sounds logic, but it is actually hard to educate people about the importance of eliminating these puddles.

Additionally, the two men also discuss new products currently on the market. Vitamines, buttons, Apps and many more. Listen how Bart & Arnoud think about this.

A lot is evolving and Arnoud and Bart have so much knowledge and expertise about mosquitos to share!
Want to know more?


Go listen/watch, Enjoy!

Want to know more about what we are doing with Care Plus®?

Growing number of registered tick bites (Podcast)

Growing number of registered tick bites (Podcast)

Last week it was National Tick week in the Netherlands. We took this opportunity to highlight and share our knowledge around (prevention of) ticks. Care Plus® has close to 28 years of expertise in safe travels & great stories (our mission!). Since 1997 we have been putting out specific content and products to prevent tick bites and to remove ticks safely and quickly.

In our Travel Health Podcast no.3 we are talking about the growth of the tick-population and why that is. We also talk about some persistent myths regarding ticks and moreover create more awareness for the prevention of tick bites.

We have two experts in the field of tick research and tick prevention to join our “tick-talk”

Fedor Gassner: ”I’m an independent expert in biological hazards and risks at (and owner of) Gassner Biological Risk Consultancy since 2015. My core business is to support private and government organisations in dealing with and controlling biological risks. I will continue to apply my expertise on the ecology and prevention of tick bites and Lyme borreliosis. Knowing all about biological hazards such as tick bites is one thing, but transferring such knowledge to relevant stakeholders and making sure they are motivated and equipped to apply this knowledge is what I stand for.”

Steve Schofield: “I am the Senior Advisor of Pest Management and Entomology for the Directorate of Force Health Protection within the Canadian Forces Health Services. I specialize in the field of mosquito and tick protection. Main focus is permethrin impregnated clothing for the Canadian Military.”

Myths about ticks

There are quite a few persistent myths about ticks buzzing around. One of the persistent stories people tell each other is that ticks fall from (oak)trees onto people. The source of this myth is unknown, but our experts emphasize that the habitat of ticks is close to the ground, in bushes, rubble, forest soil (shady and moist) and on taller grass helms where they wait for mammals to pass by. It is very unlikely that ticks, as small as they are (1mm), want to spend their energy climbing trees!


30% increase of registered tick bites

In June 2020 the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) shared some numbers on registered tick bites (1.500.000!) and infected people (> 20.000)1. There was an increase of 30% in tick bites from 2010 to 2017 in the Netherlands. Main reason for the increase of bites is the increase of deer population in the Netherlands and the dense population.


Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE)

Ticks may carry the borrelia bacteria and/or the TBE virus. It is really important to always be aware of ticks when you go outside in tick season (March untill October) and remove them from your body as soon as possible! Other folk wisdom is that ticks can be removed with alcohol, matches or soap. That is however dangerous as a tick can dispose its stomach content into the bloodstream and transfer harmful diseases in this way. We advice you to use the a quality tick remover.

Learn more about ticks and the importance of tick bite prevention in our third podcast hosted by Arnoud Aalbersberg.



1) Numbers are from RIVM

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