Chief Mosquito 🦟 Officer Arnoud Aalbersberg flies away after 30 years

Chief Mosquito 🦟 Officer Arnoud Aalbersberg flies away after 30 years

April 25, 2022 is World Malaria Day again. Just like every year, we at Travel Health Group make this a point, an important point. Malaria is a preventable infectious disease with a rising number of cases for the first time due to Covid-19 and unfortunately also more fatalities. Time to pay extra attention to this and work even harder together towards a malaria-free world by 2030.

Arnoud Aalbersberg founded the Travel Health Group and the Care Plus® brand in 1992 (30 years ago!) with his father. A brand with the mission to protect travellers so that they can fully enjoy their trip and only come home with beautiful stories. A mission that is now successful in 25+ countries. Since 2007, Care Plus® has been the market leader in the Netherlands in the insect repellent category.

In 1999 Arnoud took over his father’s company and the vision, the higher goal of Travel Health Group and Care Plus® also became clear: working towards a malaria-free world by 2030. That is where the Mosquiteers team (that is the name of the employees) set the alarm for every day!

Arnoud Aalbersberg leaves the Travel Health Group

Arnoud is the Chief Mosquito 🦟 Officer of Travel Health Group. A title that always leads to a nice conversation to make clear what is important: making an impact with a successful brand to eliminate malaria.

The solution to a malaria-free world does not only lie in the free distribution of printed, impregnated mosquito nets. The solution is a cocktail of innovations that can tackle both the parasite and the mosquito.

April 25, 2022, Arnoud Aalbersberg will present the Malaria Impact Report and then leave Travel Health Group. Arnoud will, among other things, focus on making an impact together with start-ups and scale-ups that, among other things, are working towards a malaria-free world by 2030.

Arnoud Aalbersberg: “After 30 years it is not easy to let go of the now well-grown child called Care Plus®. On the other hand, there is no better time to do this. The company is led by a fantastic (leadership) team with Corine Schmal as the talented figurehead towards the future of this wonderful impact company! I am grateful for the journey I was able to take with Travel Health Group. This would not have been possible without an ever-evolving team, our loyal customers and suppliers.”

Care Plus® is known for its Anti-Insect products with DEET, which now also has an organic line as an alternative, mosquito nets, first aid kits, sun protection and hygiene products. The Care Plus® products are available at outdoor sports shops, pharmacies, drugstores, vaccination institutions in more than 25 countries in Europe and of course online.

Will traveling change for good after Covid-19? (Podcast)

Will traveling change for good after Covid-19? (Podcast)

Will traveling change for good after Covid-19?

Care Plus® has been a market leader in safe and healthy travelling for over 28 years. We believe in “ safe travels, great stories” so little do we need to explain we are intrigued by the current situation and how travelling will be influenced in the upcoming months with the current circumstances that we are living in. In what way can we reimagine what tourism will look like post COVID-19?

We therefor created a new episode in our Travel Health series dedicated to this topic and with the help of our guests we get more insights on the trends and developments in this area and different scenario’s possible.

A week prior to our podcast, we did a poll on our social media to get the opinion of our followers on the following: “Will travelling change for good after Covid-19 ?”

86% of our audience said ‘yes’ and 14 % said ‘no’. We would like you to invite you to listen to our podcast with our guests to get more insights on this matter. To start off we will be talking with Isabel Mosk who will give more insights on domestic travelling for the Netherlands post Corona. The second guest is Larry Goodyer, a professor of Pharmacy Practice & travel Health Expert over 35 years. Last, but not least, Anna Pollock will share her insights on sustainable travel.

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Accidents happen, even at home

Accidents happen, even at home

AIf we are to believe the media, many more Dutch people will be going on holiday in their own country this year. And why not? The Netherlands has a lot to offer for young and old, and going on holiday closer to home has its advantages. Just think of the savings in time and money. And if the weather cooperates, nothing will stand in the way of a nice summer holiday, right?
Care Plus First Aid-set refill
The recognisable First Aid Kits from Care Plus®.

Protection and first aid

Care Plus® is mainly known for our protective products. For example, insect repellents and mosquito nets. But we have also been carrying an extensive line of comprehensive first aid kits for years, which can be of use to any type of traveller at unfortunate moments. For more than 25 years, we have been carefully putting together first aid kits for at home and travel. We always ensure that we develop the most effective and responsible products and tools. Each Care Plus® First Aid Kit has been carefully composed in collaboration with expedition physicians.

These kits are comprehensive and compact, so you can always take one with you in a suitcase or backpack. They are also ideal for in and around the house, caravan or boat. Accidents happen, even close to home.

Supplement existing kit

Our kits contain a wide variety of tools, some of which are used more widely than others. To ensure that you can use your kit for longer, we now have refill kits to supplement your existing first aid kit. Very handy, and you can be sure that you are never without essential tools at unexpected moments.



  • First aid supplies to supplement your Care Plus® First Aid Kit
  • Easy to store in a bag or backpack
  • Water-resistant resealable pouch
  • Lightweight
Care Plus First Aid-set refill
Met de EHBO refill set vul je je bestaande set weer aan.
Care Plus First Aid-set sterile

Also new: the Care Plus® First Aid Sterile Kit

The First Aid Pouch Sterile is suitable for 1 or 2 persons and contains 57 items. The contents are optimised for destinations with poor hygiene conditions and for long-distance journeys with limited or hard-to-reach medical facilities. The First Aid Pouch Sterile contains various sterile supplies and a doctor’s statement.

Insect repellent to protect against corona?

Insect repellent to protect against corona?

During the past days, some interesting news came out of the United Kingdom. In Great Britain, an insect repellent containing the active ingredient Citriodiol® is used by the military as added protection against the Coronavirus / Covid-19 virus. Huh? What? Very interesting news indeed. The links to various (major) British newspapers can be found in this message.

Citriodiol® to protect against the coronavirus?

It is an ‘additional layer of protection’, writes the Daily Telegraph. The ingredient Citriodiol® is said to have helped prevent other strains of coronavirus. Sky, The Sun and The Guardian also reported on this potential form of protection.

Possible anti-viral effect

Citriodiol® is the registered brand name of a formulation containing lemon eucalyptus extracts. In addition to the familiar ingredient DEET, this active substance is very effective in repelling ticks and mosquitoes.

Care Plus Anti-Insect Natural contains 30% Citriodiol® and has been available since 1994 in outdoor sports shops, pharmacies and good drugstores as natural protection against stinging and biting insects, such as mosquitoes and ticks. At Care Plus®, we keep a close eye on developments regarding the anti-viral effect of Citriodiol®. It could be an interesting addition to hand sanitisers and surface cleaners.

Anti-Insect Natural with Citriodiol

Citriodiol® is purely natural

Citriodiol®, the refined end product used in our repellents, is organically grown from lemon eucalyptus trees. There is a growing interest in products based on natural ingredients. The demand for Care Plus® Anti-Insect Natural increases every year. After applying this repellent, a fresh, lemon scent is left on the skin. This is an immediate check on whether it has been amply applied.

lemon eucalyptus tree
Lemon Eucalyptus tree

Care Plus® Anti-Tick

Tick bites can cause Lyme disease and tick encephalitis (meningitis), among other things. Care Plus® Anti-Tick Spray offers effective protection against ticks and works for up to 6 hours.

Care Plus® Anti-Insect Natural

Care Plus® Anti-Insect Natural is based on natural lemon eucalyptus extracts and contains Citriodiol®. Lemon eucalyptus is the only natural ingredient that is suitable as an insect repellent and whose effectiveness has been proven in scientific (field) studies.

Care Plus® Anti-Insect DEET

Care Plus® DEET is the strongest insect repellent for the skin. The active substance is effective against various disease transmitters, such as (malaria) mosquitoes and ticks. DEET provides up to 10 hours of protection against stings and bites.

25 April is World Malaria Day

25 April is World Malaria Day

Every day we are flooded with numbers and graphs. All about the coronavirus, a virus that is currently effecting people around the globe, and is receiving a lot of (media) attention. Corona has far-reaching consequences for the global social and economic balance. But did you know that malaria is still the largest ‘killer’ infectious disease in the world? And that this is due to the deadliest animal in the world: the mosquito?
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With more than 405,000 deaths annually (unfortunately mainly children under 5 and unfortunately this number is on the increase again) and more than 228,000,000 (that is 228 million reported) infections per year. This is definitely underreported. Not all those who are infected find a hospital (in time) where a diagnosis can be made, let alone start treatment on time.


25 April is World Malaria Day Every year on this one day, malaria is in the picture on a global scale. This is not to say that malaria receives as much (media) attention as the coronavirus. In fact, it is completely overshadowed this year. And that’s rather strange.

The conclusion from this table:

Every 2 minutes, a child (without other chronic health problems) dies from malaria. Why isn’t this on all news sites with daily updates?

The answer is sad and shocking at the same time: It’s ‘not in my backyard’. It doesn’t effect rich countries! That is why it is hardly ever in the media, it is not given much attention and there is insufficient research into a worldwide sustainable solution.

Corona Malaria
Number of infections > 2,4 million > 228 million
Number of deaths 165.000 > 435.000
Age 95% > 70 years 95% < 5 years
Chronic conditions already present in fatalities 99% 0%*
Contamination area Worldwide (Sub)tropics
Type of area Developed countries (rich) Developing countries (poor)
Largest source of infection USA (> 30%) Nigeria (24%)
– Figures measured up to and including 20 April 2020
– Annual figures WHO 2018
* Other than possible malnutrition and possible deviating hygienic conditions
With more than 405,000 deaths annually (unfortunately mainly children under 5 and unfortunately this number is on the increase again) and more than 228,000,000 (that is 228 million reported) infections per year. This is definitely underreported. Not all those who are infected find a hospital (in time) where a diagnosis can be made, let alone start treatment on time.


25 April is World Malaria Day Every year on this one day, malaria is in the picture on a global scale. This is not to say that malaria receives as much (media) attention as the coronavirus. In fact, it is completely overshadowed this year. And that’s rather strange.

corona malaria
Number of infections > 2,4 million > 228 million
Number of deaths 165.000 > 435.000
age 95% > 70 years 95% < 5 years
Chronic conditions already present in fatalities 99% 0%***
contamination area worldwide (sub)tropics
type of area Developed countries (rich) Developing countries (poor)
largest source of infection USA (> 30%) Nigeria (24%)
The conclusion from this table:

Every 2 minutes, a child (without other chronic health problems) dies from malaria. Why isn’t this on all news sites with daily updates?

The answer is sad and shocking at the same time: It’s ‘not in my backyard’. It doesn’t effect rich countries! That is why it is hardly ever in the media, it is not given much attention and there is insufficient research into a worldwide sustainable solution.

* figures measured up to and including 20 April 2020
** annual figures WHO 2018
*** other than possible malnutrition and possible deviating hygienic conditions

Malaria is an avoidable disease

I hold a very different opinion. At Travel Health Group we hold a very different opnion. At Care Plus® we hold a very different opinion.

Malaria is an avoidable infectious disease. After all, if you are not bitten by a mosquito with the malaria parasite in its body, you will not get malaria. So it is easy to prevent. Hence our great interest in education and focus on prevention!

Let’s put malaria in the news this time, if only on World Malaria Day, 25 April. The theme is “zero malaria starts with me”. I care about that. Everyone should care about that. There are many initiatives on the internet that contribute to “zero malaria”.


At Travel Health Group / Care Plus we have had a clear vision for years: “a malaria-free world in 2030”. In 2015, this goal was solidified, in line with the objective of the World Health Organisation at the time. This is the motivation for our team to set their alarm clocks every day and it’s how we manage to enthuse business partners.

We have made this transparent: 1% of our turnover goes to this higher goal of making the world malaria-free by 2030. In specific terms, we do this with our ‘Buy One Give One’ campaign. Everyone who buys a Care Plus® product, for example a mosquito net or an anti-insect product, ensures that we can protect families in malaria areas by distributing impregnated and printed mosquito nets there.

We also support innovations and applicable scientific research that contributes to our higher goal. Finally, we facilitate a weekly newsletter (Malaria World) that is issued to more than 9,000 malaria professionals worldwide, created by young scientists in Kenya.

Awareness of malaria at least 1 day a year?

Can I ask you to consider malaria as the most important figure at least 1 day a year: at least on 25 April? Better still, to be aware of malaria every day. And even better is to know how you can contribute to a malaria-free world in 2030! Do you have any ideas about this? Let me know!

Arnoud Aalbersberg, Chief Mosquito Officer

Corona virus – Wash your hands thoroughly!

Corona virus – Wash your hands thoroughly!

Good hand hygiene is of great importance for the prevention of the Coronavirus. How do you wash your hands thoroughly? In this article you will find some tips from the WHO.

Protect yourself and your environment!

  • Clean your hands regularly.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water and dry them carefully.
  • You don’t have water and soap at hand? Use an alcohol-based cleansing hand gel.

During this period, it is important to wash / clean your hands regularly. In case of visibly dirty hands, immediately wash your hands with soap and running water. But even when your hands are not visibly dirty, it is important to regularly wash your hands with soap and water or use a cleansing hand gel. If necessary, put up a reminder or set one on your phone. Prevention is key!

Alright, washing hands thoroughly is important, but how is that done? Washing your hands thoroughly takes twice the length of the song “Happy Birthday”!

  • Wet your hands with water.
  • Apply enough soap to cover your hands.
  • First rub your palms together.
  • Rub the top of your left hand with your right palm (your hands are on top of each other) and rub well with your left-hand fingers (top) between the fingers of your right hand (bottom).
  • Switch by placing your left palm on top of your right hand.
  • Rub with your palms and fingers entwined.
  • Make sure to wash all fingers individually afterwards.
  • Rub your hands well with your fingertips.
  • Rinse your hands with water.
  • Dry your hands thoroughly with a paper towel.

And there you go: clean hands!

Extra tips to protect yourself agains the Corona virus

Tip: just washed your hands? Take a piece of paper towel to dry them and use another clean piece of paper towel to open the door and throw it away afterwards.
In addition, do not forget to regularly clean often touched surfaces. These include:

  • Door handles
  • Mobile phone
  • Keyboard and mouse
  • Remote control

Or use protection, for example, when paying with card or refuelling your car.

In addition, the advice now is not to shake hands anymore. Numerous other greetings are possible. Be careful with elbows because it is advised to sneeze / cough in your elbow, so also avoid coming into contact with those.

Also read how to recognize the Corona virus symptoms and what you should do if you suspect you have been infected.

Pro Hygiene cleansing handgel

No water and soap available? No problem! With Pro Hygiene Gel in your bag, hand gel of Care Plus®, you will always be able to clean your hands. This small bottle of hand gel contains 30 ml and is very handy to have in your bag.

Bio Soap

Care Plus ® Clean Bio Soap is ideal for travellers who stay outdoors for a long period of time. The concentrated biodegradable soap is made of organic ingredients. The soap is multifunctional and suitable for washing hands, skin, hair, slightly dirty clothes and the dishes. This soap is suitable for use with fresh, brakish and salt water.

Microfibre towels

De Care Plus ® Travel Towel is lightweight, compact and easily fits in your bag. By using revolutionary microfibre, the travel towel is extra soft on one side, adding to the user comfort. The absorption capacity of the travel towel is seven times its own weight.

Corona virus symptoms and prevention

Corona virus symptoms and prevention

We have received multiple questions and concerns about the coronavirus. Here is our summary of what is going on and what precautions you should take.

So far cases have been confirmed in > 25 countries (also in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Australia & USA). 2019-nCoV, the official name for the Corona virus, was not supposed to hop on humans, but it did. And this strain also includes a respiratory syndrome with a death rate of 2% (much much lower than SARS & MERS in the past).

Symptoms of the Corona virus

Corona virus symptoms (very common flu-like unfortunately) are:

  • coughing / sore throat
  • high temperature
  • tiredness
  • breathing difficulties

Symptoms appear usually between 2 and 10 days after contracting the virus. So if you have above symptoms consider if you have travelled very recently to high risk areas (i.e. Wuhan or Hubei Province in China), or have been in close contact (less than 2 meters or in the same room for more than 15 minutes) with someone who has the virus, CALL your doctor. Do NOT go straight to a doctor’s office or hospital as, if you have the virus because you risk spreading the virus to others!

Maybe it sounds strange but you will need to “self-quarantine” yourself for two weeks. Stay away from work and other busy places, prevent interaction with other people.

The most frequently asked question today is: what can I further do to prevent possible contraction of the Corona virus? The answer is: hand hygiene!

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water and/or use a hand sanitizing gel. This virus is spread via droplets when a person coughs or sneezes.  The droplets land on surfaces and are picked up on the hands of others and spread further. People catch the virus when they touch their infected hands to their mouth, nose or eyes.

Summary prevention Corona virus

  • Carry a hand sanitizer with you and use it frequently
  • Wash hands before eating
  • Be especially careful in busy public transport systems about touching things and then touching your face
  • Carry disposable tissues with you, cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze and dispose of the tissue carefully (catch it, bin it, kill it)
  • Do not share snacks from packets or bowls that others are dipping their fingers into
  • Avoid shaking hands or cheek kissing
  • Regularly clean commonly used surfaces / devices you use (cell phone / keyboard),,

Pro Hygiene cleansing hand gel

No water and soap available? No problem! With Pro Hygiene Gel in your bag, hand gel of Care Plus®, you will always be able to clean your hands. This small bottle of hand gel contains 30 ml and is very handy to have in your bag.

Bio soap

Care Plus® Clean Bio Soap is a concentrated biodegradable liquid soap made of organic ingredients you can use for washing.

Microfibre towels

The Care Plus® Travel Towel is lightweight, compact and easily fits in your bag. By using revolutionary microfibre, the travel towel is extra soft on one side, adding to the user comfort. The absorption capacity of the travel towel is seven times its own weight.

Apps, bracelets and plugs: products that won’t protect you against mosquitoes

Apps, bracelets and plugs: products that won’t protect you against mosquitoes

The mosquito season is in full swing again. It is high time to get the mosquito repellent to prevent a nasty bite. But which products really help against a bite and which are sheer nonsense and should we avoid spending money on?

Every year, new products come on the market. The manufacturers claim they protect against mosquitoes: apps and plugs that emit a high beeping sound and citronella scented bracelets to keep mosquitoes at bay. An enormous amount of money is spent every year on each and every product. And this year, again, an enormous amount of money will go down the drain, because you will still get bitten.


The shelves are stocked with them: products based on citronella that claim to protect against mosquitoes’ bites. You have probably seen a citronella candle for on the table, in the garden, or on the patio. Unfortunately, these candles do not prevent you from getting bitten. Mosquitoes approach the heat, carbon dioxide and humidity emitted by a burning candle. Three things mosquitoes love! And the smell of citronella? Mosquitoes quickly get used to it.

Not only the candles are popular. Nowadays, the stores are full of bracelets that are meant to keep mosquitoes at bay. These coloured bracelets also contain citronella, and are intended to protect you against mosquitoes for a few hours. A study by the New England Journal of Medicine has shown that citronella-based products, including bracelets, keep mosquitoes at bay for a maximum period of 20 minutes. In addition, only the part where the scent of citronella is located is protected for a short time. The rest of your body is free of citronella and therefore a great place for the mosquito to land. These bracelets will unfortunately not give you the right protection against mosquitoes and are therefore a waste of money.

Ultrasonic sound

Creators of apps, devices and plugs that emit an ultrasonic sound that should keep mosquitoes away are also misleading the consumer. Unfortunately, these remedies also don’t help prevent mosquito bites.

According to the makers, the high frequency of the noise would be so annoying to mosquitoes that they stay away. However, research has shown that the high frequency does not keep mosquitoes at a distance and is therefore nonsense. Ultrasonic sound, on the other hand, can have an effect on small mammals, such as rodents, bats and moles, but not on insects. Watch the video below about how mosquito expert Bart Knols is testing such an app with ultrasonic sound.

Millions of euros are spent every year on mosquito-repellent products that do not work. At the moment we do not have to worry about mosquitoes in England transmitting fatal infectious diseases, but in countries where this is the case, selling these drugs is not only a rip-off, but is also life-threatening.

In many southern European countries, you can contract the West Nile virus through a bite from an infected mosquito. So, make sure you are properly protected against mosquitoes at all times to minimise the risk of an infectious disease. 

Anti-Insect Natural

Made with natural lemon eucalyptus extracts and does not contain DEET. Natural can be used for children from 3 months and protects up to 6 hours against mosquitoes and ticks.

Mosquito nets

A mosquito net keeps mosquitoes, insects and other pests at a distance, so you can enjoy a good night’s sleep. Both at home and away!

Anti-Insect DEET

The active ingredient DEET is the most effective remedy for protection against (tropical) mosquitoes and ticks. Apply to exposed skin. The percentage is decisive for the duration of action.

Tourists in Greece warned of mosquitoes with West Nile virus

Tourists in Greece warned of mosquitoes with West Nile virus

The Greek Ministry of Health warns holidaymakers about mosquitoes that can transmit the West Nile virus. The virus can make you very sick and in some cases can even be fatal. Last year 316 people were infected in Greece, 50 people died from this. Take appropriate precautions against the (infected) mosquito.

Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus)

West Nile virus

West Nile virus is a virus that causes West Nile disease. The disease is transmitted by infected mosquitoes, including the West European domestic mosquito and tiger mosquito. The disease mainly causes flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle ache, skin rashes and enlarged lymph nodes. In some cases the disease can lead to meningitis and can be fatal in worst cases.

Last year in Greece 316 people were infected, 50 people died from this. What are the chances the virus will strike again this year? Sander Koenraadt, assistant professor of entomology and mosquito expert at Wageningen University, explains to the NOS: “The development of the virus in such a mosquito depends on the weather and the temperature. The warmer it gets, the faster the virus develops in such a mosquito. The more mosquitoes there are, the greater the chances you will be stung”.

Especially people over 50 have a higher risk of the serious symptoms of this disease. The symptoms develop 3 to 14 days after the infection and unfortunately there is no effective treatment. There is also no vaccine against this virus. So, it’s important to take the right precautions.

West Nile virus in Europe

The mosquito that can transmit the virus also occurs in the UK, but there is little chance that this mosquito actually carries the virus here. In the UK, the average temperature in the summer is 11 degrees. The virus needs about 2 weeks to develop and it does this particularly at warm temperatures.

“We studied the development of West Nile virus in the laboratory. At 18 degrees hardly anything happens, but at 23 and 28 degrees it does. At higher temperatures several dozen percent of mosquitoes get infected,” Koenraadt explains.

The virus has already been detected in other parts of Europe. On the map you can see in which countries the West Nile virus has occurred in the past 9 years.

“The question is not whether the West Nile virus is coming our way, but when! I cannot emphasise enough that this is not a reason to (anxiously) stay indoors. You can take plenty of precautions to have fewer mosquitoes in your immediate environment and to prevent from getting bitten.”

Arnoud Aalbersberg

Care Plus


As there is no vaccine or effective treatment for the West Nile virus, it is important to take precautions. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to reduce the chance of a bite from an (infected) mosquito. Here are a few preventive tips:


Bitten by a mosquito? Unfortunately, there is no treatment for the disease. There are several measures that you can take to relieve the itch. With the Click-Away Bite Relief you can reduce itching and swelling within minutes. And with a soothing gel you can relieve pain and itching and cool irritated skin.

We always recommend consulting a doctor if symptoms of the virus occur.

Anti-Insect Natural

Based on natural lemon-eucalyptus extracts and does not contain DEET. Natural can be used on children from 3 months and protects against mosquitoes and ticks for up to 6 hours.

Mosquito Net

With a mosquito net you keep mosquitoes, insects and other bugs away so you can enjoy an undisturbed night’s sleep. While traveling and at home!

Anti-Insect DEET

DEET is an active substance that is most effective against (tropical) mosquitoes and ticks. Apply it to uncovered skin. The percentage determines the duration of action.

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